Hey, guys! It’s Rich. Today, we’re going to talk about The Phoenix device versus clinicial wave treatment at men’s health centers. Everything you need to know about the best way for men treat performance issues in the bedroom starts with the birth of wave therapy and how improvement in science and technology has led us to the consumer version of wave therapy called “The Phoenix”.
This new type of treatment has many guys questioning if it actually is the same thing as going to a clinic, and if it will bring back the spontaneity in the bedroom. I’m here to tell you that The Phoenix does all of that by emitting low-intensity shock waves into your penis. Wave therapy is going to revolutionize how men supercharge their sex lives, making it easier for men to "get it up" when the occasion arises.
Low-Intensity Acoustic Wave Therapy Really Does Help Make "Getting It Up" That Much Easier!
Although The Phoenix is new to the market, the concept of wave therapy has actually been around longer than you think. Low-intensity wave therapy for men has been used at clinics all around the world. Some may call this treatment “premature” or still in research, but there are many clinical studies that have shown positive effects on erectile function and more. As many of us still use more common treatments like PDE5i inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, etc.), intracavernosal injections, and penile prosthesis, we are still skeptical about wave therapy because of the price, admitting to problems performing in the bedroom and the embarrassing trip to the doctor's office.

Now, I can promise you that there’s a lot to learn about acoustic wave therapy. For me, it actually improved my sex life and spontaneity. Acoustic wave therapy has the potential to help men achieve a more fulfilling sex life without invasive surgery. And, because treatment options for men's sexual performance issues are continuously improving, wave therapy is going to be the preferred treatment, while giving guys results that are longer lasting.
You can say goodbye to the short experiences you would receive with pills. And, instead of the side effects like a headache or risk of infection from surgery, wave therapy only requires zapping your penis along the shaft, which is completely PAINLESS.
Treating the root cause of performance issues with The Phoenix
It’s amazing how often men and women overlook the importance of having a healthy sex life. Trouble "getting it up" or "keeping it up" affects BOTH men and women. Obviously, it affects the man holding his own penis, but also women who are silent sufferers in a relationship. Difficulty performing in the bedroom is one of the most common problems when it comes to sex in a relationship. Penetrative sex almost becomes non-existent if problems persist.
When it comes to your sexual relationships, it can impose serious problems. Why have an unhappy and sexless relationship when you can actually do something about it at home.
As mentioned in a previous post, The Phoenix is an FDA registered device that reverses sexual decline in men who have trouble getting it up in the bedroom. The Phoenix literally can help your “bird” rise again! It can even treat other parts of your body besides the penis.
There’s still more research being done and The Phoenix has so much potential!
Can’t I Just Use Viagra or Cialis Instead Of Using The Phoenix or Getting Clinical Wave Treatment Therapy?
Men have been using oral prescription drugs for their erections ever since the 90s. There have been studies that demonstrate that such drugs were not effective on everyone and, in several cases, consumers developed troublesome secondary effects. Since we are not doctors, we always suggest getting a proper diagnosis from your doctor before using any medical products.
Yes, some guys can just use Viagra or Cialis, but not everyone can use these medications because of their side effects. I personally have had friends that had to go back to their doctor to adjust their dosage because they didn’t physically feel good after taking them.
In addition to medications, some guys are also scared to admit they have a problem "keeping it up" in the bedroom. Some guys won’t go to a doctor to get a diagnosis because they’re embarrassed. I’ve been there, but I can assure you that confronting your fears and actually knowing the cause of your performance issues will give you a better understanding of how to move forward.
As for me, I first chose the oral prescription route, but when I found The Phoenix, I noticed that I don’t have to take a full dosage of Viagra or Cialis. I’m still experimenting, but after completing 12 treatments, my performance continues to get better! I like to think of taking pills as a compliment to using The Phoenix, but not as necessary as before.

Everything just works better than it did before. Even with Viagra or Cialis, I feel like I can last longer and "keep it up" longer for my partner and me. It's amazing how the science behind The Phoenix has restored my performance faster than any other treatment out there. -Rich
Which is Better? In-person Clinical Treatment at the Doctors office or DIY(do it yourself) with The Phoenix?
Acoustic wave therapy at men’s health and wellness clinics is a premium service in the American market. But, the team that created The Phoenix (originally branded as The Rocket in 2019) provides men the best overall experience to treat bedroom performance issues at the privacy of his own home . Both treatments are based on the same principle: use the acoustic wave technology on the penis of a person who suffers from a natural sexual decline to help him progressively reverse this decline.
And to better explain how the two treatments differ from one another, I’ll talk specifically about three points to have in consideration: the regimens, the costs, and the results.
Let’s start with the procedures for each one.
The Clinical in-person treatment for acoustic wave therapy requires the patient to visit a professional from 6 to 12 times on average, depending on his condition, and the specialist needs to apply the treatment on the patient’s penis for about 20 minutes.
On the other hand The Phoenix requires the user to apply the therapy on his own without needing to see a doctor. It's the SAME clinical strength as the treatment guys would receive at a clinic, but the creators of The Phoenix suggest following Dr. Thompson's 120 day protocol which allows more time and recovery in between treatments.
In comparison, the second method is more practical as it can be self-applied without the embarrassing trip or cost of going to the doctor.
Now, let’s talk about money, and this is probably where the greatest difference among both products can be noticed.
***The Phoenix is currently $879 dollars as of October 7th, 2021. Price can change in the future due to sales or promotions.
As we just mentioned earlier, the premium “in-person” method requires you to visit a professional, but sadly, not everyone might be able to afford it. Each session usually costs around $500 dollars and, when you take into account that you’ll need from 6 to 12 sessions to see positive results that will last, you'll be spending around $3,000 to $6,000 for full treatment.
On the other hand, The Phoenix needs a single payment of $879 and that’s it. The device can be used up to 70 times before replacing it. That means that you’ll be able to use the device long after you’ve completed a treatment cycle if you wish to maintain results or prevent future decline. And, yes the sexual decline that got you to a point where it was difficult for you to "get it up" for you partner, can come back if you don't maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Now, let's do the math together! The device is engineered to last up to 70 treatments or when there is a noticeable decrease in power (it's like wear and tear for a car, but for your penis). After your initial 16 treatments (that's if you follow Dr. Thompson's Protocol) you'll enjoy the benefit of improved performance that you're partner will definitely notice. This leaves you with plenty of treatments remaining for you to use in future for maintainence.
Everyone wants to be healthy and enjoy an active sexual life and, though both options offer the possibility to achieve that, only one of them is friendly to lower-income men.
Last but not least, let’s talk about the results.
But, for how long will that be? After completing a treatment cycle, the "In-person" method will have effects that can last up to 2 years, and then guys will need to visit a specialist once again in the future. And while that certainly seems like a good long lasting result, The Phoenix can, once again, do better than that.

If you complete a treatment cycle on your own with The Phoenix device, you will enjoy the same effects as you would get from a clinic. And, if the effects would ever start to fade away, you will STILL own the device and be able to use it to enjoy its benefits once again.
If you want to hear Rich's personal story with The Phoenix you can read his review of the hand held acoustic wave device here and how it helped him reverse the sexual decline he saw with his performance.
All in all, both methods can change the life of the people who use them. However, when it comes to providing a better, cheaper, and more lasting experience, there’s a clear winner when it comes to treating men's issues when it comes to bedroom performance.
Where Can I Get A Phoenix Device!?
Simple! To get The Phoenix (Priority link to get yours here) and to start improving your sexual experiences. You’ll just need to visit Getmyphoenix's homepage, click on the “Try the Phoenix” button, and choose your preferred paying option. (They offer a payment plan too!)

And, in the case you have any questions and would like to know more about the Phoenix before buying it, they also have an excellent FAQ and support page where you can clear any doubts and talk to their product experts.
But, needless to say, if you wish to be freed of performance issues and improve your sex life, or if you’re looking to adopt the "BDE style" lifestyle and mindset, then don’t wait any longer and give it a try! The Phoenix always rises and now you can, too.
Check out our list of other posts about The Phoenix acoustic wave therapy device and how it can help you take back your erections and curb ED to the ground: