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***Remember we are just normal guys, like you, trying to improve in and out of the bedroom. We review products and write on men's issues and topics that are often seen as taboo in society. We're not afraid to talk about it. But don't confuse us with the "companies" and their products that WE review. We are separate entities.


Lately, I've been seeing an influx in emails asking questions about buying the products as if we were the company that sells them. That to me, shows a lack of reading and comprehension. And it hurts my feelings that you don't want to read my guides and reviews =)  


So, please read our reviews in its entirety as you will most likely have all your questions answered. If you're looking to directly buy, you can navigate through the links on our 'support us' page, or product review. If a company doesn't sell to your location, know that there are most likely restrictions in your country or logistical/shipping issues that may or may not prevent you from ordering. If your country has limits on shipping and a product is not available in your country (yet), know that as soon as I find out it's "available", I'll probably be one of the first people to let you know, whether it's in a blog or an email. 


It just means you have to have a little more patience. There are rules and regulations that are above us that delay and prevent these things from happening.

Much Love <3



Big Dick Energy can be shared with everyone. Guys from all walks of life can use it, in and out of the bedroom. If you're a guy who is:

  • Insecure and wants to improve their confidence. Whether it's in the bedroom or about themselves (body positivity/neutrality)

  • Not sure about their identities, or their masculinity and needs help navigating this

  • Suffers from ED and wants to improve and treat their erections

Can email us at or by filling out the form below. We are here for you in many ways and can help in some way, shape or form. We will continue to update these pages and listen to guys all over who has a story to tell.

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