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Labor Day 2021 Savings For The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device: $150 OFF!

BDE Style

Updated: May 30, 2023

BDE STYLE Post On Labor Day Savings For The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device: $150 OFF!

Labor Day weekend is here and it's the going-away party for the summer season. And guess what?! Getmyphoenix is having another sale on The Phoenix. For those of you who have kept in touch or have read my posts in the past year, I keep everyone in the loop for when they're having a sale so you all can take advantage of The Phoenix like I did.

So what's the sale?

The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Is On Sale for $150 dollars off Starting This Labor Day September 6th - September 10th, 2021

BDE Style recommends The Phoenix and wants every guy (and girl) to enjoy better bedroom performance and experience with this world-class treatment device the same way WE did! Men can use the device in the privacy, comfort, and convenience of their own homes without having to drive far to a clinic that overcharges for the SAME type of treatment.

What better gift to give your husband, wife, or partner than the gift of better and spontaneous erections.

By going through my priority link you can get the extra $150 dollars off by typing in the coupon code---> LABORDAY150 when you checkout.

***SALE ends September 10, 2021 (time's ticking)

This sale is over now, but The everyday discount when there is not a sale going on is code RED50

If you’re the type of guy that’s into biohacking, self-improvement, or overall optimization, The Phoenix can take you steps further with improved blood flow, and stronger erections.

How Can Acoustic Wave Therapy Technology Help A Guy Like You

Men are often afraid to go to the doctor because of embarrassment and being seen as “less of a man”. ED enhancers, medications, and surgeries have always been an option in the past, but they NEVER really solved the root problem of not being able to "get it up". They only act as a Band-Aid fix.

Who wants to pop a pill for the rest of their life? What if you end up getting heart disease or diabetes when you're older? Popping a little blue pill won't be an option because of the dangers of mixing medication and nitrates like tadalafil or sildenafil.

The acoustic wave therapy technology that is used in The Phoenix device helps men improve their sexual performance and makes it easier to "get it up". The acoustic waves or the low-intensity shock waves applied to the penis helps improve and restore sexual performance in the bedroom through clinical-strength Li-ESWT.

After 12 treatments with The Phoenix, the average guy will notice:

  • Better sex

  • Easier to "get it up"

  • Help prevent natural sexual decline

  • A postive physiological change in the body

Why Should You Invest In Your Erection Health

Unlike surgical options, The Phoenix is non-invasive and can be done at home! Investing in your penis improves the longevity of a man’s erectile function while helping reverse sexual decline.

Think of it like preventative care and reversing the symptoms of your penis...

If you really think about it, from a young age many of us start building up plaque in arteries throughout the body, and for guys, this includes the penis. When men don’t eat right or take care of their overall health, this may lead to physical problems like a lack of blood flow and poor erections.

A man investing in his penis NOW will delay and prevent these problems from happening...

A guy who is ALREADY experiencing sexual performance problems will see improvements after the first 6-12 treatments. (results vary depending on your health and lifestyle). We'll explain below...

Are You A Good Candidate For Acoustic Wave Therapy With The Phoenix?

With repeated treatments, most men (or the average guy to be specific) see improvements in their sexual performance after 6-12 treatments. But, it’s important to note that ALL men are different, have different dicks, and have different cases of sexual performance issues. Depending on these factors will determine if you may require more treatment sessions.

We broke down in a previous post about What it takes to be a good candidate for acoustic wave therapy treatment and who is a bad candidate. To summarize who is a bad candidate for acoustic wave therapy is:

  • Someone who smokes and doesn't want to quit

  • A guy that has uncontrolled/unmanaged diabetes

  • Someone who is obese

  • Eating poorly (too much oily foods or artery-clogging foods)

  • Imbalanced hormones like Low T

  • A guy that is not active or exercises regularly

  • Someone who does drugs or drinks excessively (alcoholism)

  • A guy that doesn't sleep enough

  • Other unmanaged conditions result from poor lifestyle choices.

Are you a good candidate for acoustic wave therapy with The Phoenix?

If you DO fit the checklist above, then it will probably be harder to see positive results.

But, if you ask me, I'll tell you to rethink your lifestyle. If I was in front of you, I will tell you to lose weight, get more sleep, quit the drugs, alcohol, and smoking, and to manage your health better. Not only will you see improvements in your ability to "get it up", but your overall health too.

And, NO you don't have to get 6-pack abs to be "healthier". I'm talking about the guys who just sit on the couch and do NOTHING to help themselves, but want everything handed to them on a silver platter. Newsflash, if you want something, you have to work for it. You are not entitled to "good sex" or "better sex". Get up, get motivated and take care of your health and you'll progressively get there.

So, Fix your mindset...

Men typically want:

1) A Better Sex Life

2) Spontaneous Erections

3) Longer Lasting Erections

But, they don't want to work on...

1) Eating health

2) Exercising Regularly

3) Relieving stress

4) Living a better and healthier lifestyle

5) Communicating with their partner(s)

If you're not willing to change, then Acoustic wave therapy with The Phoenix will take LONGER to work for you. Don't limit your success when a few simple changes can help give you better results with The Phoenix. It's honestly that simple.

My Personal Independent Review Of The Phoenix Device Making it Easier to "Get It Up"

Labor Day Savings For The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device: $150 OFF! My personal independent review

If you haven’t checked out my personal review of The Phoenix, I recommend reading the full post here. It goes into depth about my results after 12 treatments and how it changed my bedroom performance and experience.

(NEW) I can say that my erections continue to improve and my erections are more spontaneous throughout the day.

I did mention in a previous post that the more erections and sex you have the better it is for OVERALL health. Penis health is important guys and having multiple healthy erections a day is good for you.

You can always email me at if you ever want to talk about The Phoenix and your personal experience. As a reminder I'm not a doctor and my advice should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Again, I personally used the device and it worked for me.

It works and I'm happy to advocate and talk about it with any of you who are on the fence or have erection issues. I have a lot of personal experience with this. So I'm happy to help.

If you haven’t checked out the best protocol with The Phoenix (how many days a week to use it), I suggest checking out our post here. It goes into depth about what the product is, how often you should use it, how to use it, video concepts of acoustic wave therapy on the penis, and the in-depth science behind The Phoenix.

Hear What Others Have To Say About The Phoenix Device (Success stories and reviews with The Phoenix)

There you have it. The above is a short compilation of guys who have used The Phoenix device. Over 20,000 men have done so and continue to see the benefits of acoustic wave therapy with The Phoenix.

Ready To Get The Phoenix At-Home Acoustic Wave Therapy Device This Labor Day?

Acoustic wave therapy is going to change many erections around the country. This Labor Day, September 6th - September 10th, 2021, you have the option to take back your erections with The Phoenix Device at an even better price point.

Before (Regularly) you could get the device for $879 dollars.

But, with a savings of $150 dollars off, you can get it for $729 dollars (sale ends September 10th, 2021). As most guys only need 6-12 treatments, the device is meant to last up to 70 treatments.

Therefore, if you needed to re-treat in the future, you would have the device for up to 58 treatments more.

Do you need to re-treat or how often do you have to do this? Most of the results you see after a 6-12 treatment cycle may last up to 2 years. But, if you have a poor lifestyle or need a touch-up, then that's up to you and what your body will tell you based on your overall health.

I personally used it last year in July 2020 and I finished my 12 treatment cycle in August of 2020. I used it 2-3 times a week giving my dick a break in between to heal and let angiogenesis take place.

Since then, I personally experimented with a few sessions in late January 2021. I still have the device and it still works.

rich holding the phoenix device for ed

I personally do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. I'm very active and I work out 4-6 times a week. I try to eat healthy (no fried or oily foods). Just mainly fruits, veggies, chicken, some meats and fish.

I have sex as much as I want. I have a partner who I communicate with and who was on board (still is) since the beginning of this journey for me. I'm also not scared of going to the doctor's office and I try to get routine blood work to make sure my T levels, cholesterol, and other hormones are in check. So far so good and I plan to keep it that way!

This lifestyle is attainable. I call it "BDE" and I want to share it with you guys.

"If I can do it, so can you" motto!

Again, you can use my priority link to take advantage of the FULL $150 dollars OFF to get your Phoenix this Labor Day.

Remember to type in----> LABORDAY150

***SALE ends September 10th, 2021 (time's ticking)

This sale is over now, but The everyday discount when there is not a sale going on is code RED50

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