According to the Cleveland Clinic, one in every 10 men suffers from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) during his life. However, despite these statistics, there’s still a lot of stigmas attached to this condition.
All of this enables the spread of misinformation in the media regarding Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and makes it difficult for men to speak up and seek help from their healthcare practitioners.
This is why we’ve carefully put together this article to address some of the commonly believed myths about Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Let’s take a look.
What Exactly Is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
First thing’s first. Before we address the misinformation regarding the condition, it’s important to understand what exactly Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is. This will put you in a better position to separate fact from fiction.
So, what exactly is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
The Mayo Clinic defines it as the lack of ability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. This means that having erection troubles once in a while isn’t something to worry about.
As it’s normal to struggle to get an erection when you’re tired, stressed, or simply not in the mood. However, when getting successful, erections become the exception, that’s when it’s ED, and you need to talk to your doctor.
Therefore, in a nutshell, having trouble in getting or keeping an erection would look somewhat like this:
Erections that don’t last long enough for having sex.
Erections that aren’t hard enough to engage in sex.
Or, finding it impossible to get an erection.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED): The Myths
Now that we know what Erectile Dysfunction (ED) actually is, we can discuss the misconceptions regarding this condition.
Myth # 1: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Doesn’t Affect Younger Men
False. Why?
While it’s not uncommon to see advertisements for the “blue pill” featuring only men with grey hair, Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can affect men of all ages equally.
In fact, research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2013 actually found out that one out of every four patients seeking help for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) were younger than 40 years.
This shows that ED isn’t an age-related condition, but can be linked to other underlying factors and health conditions in younger males. Some of which are as follows:
Having depression or anxiety.
Experiencing high levels of stress-related to work, money, or relationships.
Hormonal disorders.
Lack of physical activity.
Being a heavy drinker.
Being overweight.
Frequently using recreational drugs.
Using steroids.
Myth # 2: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Is A Part of the Aging Process
False. Why?
Many people wrongfully believe Erectile Dysfunction (ED) to be one of the consequences of aging. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for them to assume that men above 40 years of age struggle with getting erections to enjoy a healthy sex life.
However, none of this is true. No man should have to believe that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the new normal in old age.
And while all of this is true, it’s useful to keep in mind that as you age, you’re more likely to develop health issues, which might increase the risk of getting Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Some of these include:
Heart issues.
Nerve disorders.
Therefore, if you’re someone above 40 who’s experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED), don’t write it off as something normal. Instead, get in touch with your doctor.
Myth # 3: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Means Lack of Sexual Attraction to Your Partner
Not Entirely True. Why?
Experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re no longer sexually attracted to your partner. Although some might argue it to be one of the contributing factors, in most instances, it’s not entirely always the case.
Therefore, certain underlying health issues –especially the ones discussed above, medications, and psychological states- can negatively affect your libido.
Myth # 4: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Is Caused by Wearing Tight Underwear
False. Why?
Perhaps, you’ve heard it from a friend. Or, read about it online. But no, wearing tight underwear or tight clothing does not in any way affect your ability to have erections. Instead, Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is mainly the result of psychological or physiological health problems.
However, what tight underwear can really do is affect your sperm count. This is because underwear designed to be restrictive ends up raising the temperature, which contributes to the death of the sperms.
As testicles normally require a temperature that’s lower than your body temperature to function normally. Therefore, it’s best to avoid really tight underwear if you’re planning on having kids anytime soon.
BDE STYLE TIP: Avoid wearing tight underwear or clothing because it can potentially reduce penis size in the long run. This is because tight restrictive clothes can reduce circulation. Tight clothing and underwear may also hinder PE or penis enlargement results. A good tip would be to wear looser underwear or underwear with a larger pouch for more room.
Myth # 5: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Means No Sexual Desire
False. Why?
Keep in mind that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) has nothing to do with sexual desire. Instead, your sexual desire depends on your hormone levels.
However, what might make many people wrongfully conclude that those experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) have no sexual desire is the fact that many men with ED might try to avoid sex.
Therefore, what’s important here to understand that those with ED avoid sex are due to the fear of disappointing their partner or not being able to live up to their expectations. This leads us to conclude that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) has no impact on your sexual desire.
Myth # 6: Sexual Performance Issues In Men Can Only Be Treated Via The Pill
False. Why?
Taking pills can be helpful. But they aren’t the only option available for treating sexual performance issues in men.
Instead, you can also look into other FDA-registered medications such as those inserted into the urethra or injected into the penis. In addition to this, surgical procedures have also shown promising results in those suffering from ED.
And, if you haven't already gotten your Phoenix yet (Priority link), I suggest getting one today. Pills are a thing of the past and with new treatment options like The Phoenix, you can help restore blood flow and make your erections strong again.
Disclaimer: If your doctor has identified certain health problems to be the cause of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) then, it would help you to get those issues treated first as pills or treatment options like The Phoenix, may not work as well if you have health problems like Diabetes or high cholesterol, etc.
On the other hand, if you’ve recently been experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) as a side effect of some medications that you’ve been put on, you can talk to your doctor to have them replaced. But, don't stop the medications without having a discussion with your doctor FIRST.
Myth # 7: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Isn’t Preventable
False. Why?
You can do a lot to reduce your chances of getting Erectile Dysfunction (ED). If you’re a smoker, try to give it up. However, if you’re having trouble giving up smoking, seek professional help to break out this habit.
Doing so is extremely important, as smoking is linked to blood vessel disease, increasing your chances of getting Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Similarly, you should try following a healthy eating regime. Therefore, if your diet contains food items high in saturated fat and sodium, try and replace them with whole-grain food items, such as lean meats, vegetables, and fruits. This will ensure that your blood pressure and weight stay in control.
In addition to this, make it a point to set aside daily for some physical activity. Whether it’s walking, running, jogging, or swimming, be sure to get the blood pumping through your body to reduce your chances of getting Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Additionally, you should try cutting back on your alcohol consumption. However, if you’re finding it difficult to do so, get in touch with a professional who can help you make the necessary transition.
Last but not least, stay away from illegal drugs as they can dull your senses and make it difficult to get an erection.
Key Takeaway: Don’t Hesitate To Talk About It!
Remember having trouble performing in the bedroom is nothing to be ashamed of. As a matter of fact, many men, both young and old alike, suffer from this condition. Therefore, if you’re experiencing any troubles getting it up or maintaining it in the bedroom, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare practitioner.
These professionals will guide you about the course of action and put you at ease without judging or embarrassing you. Another perfect solution for you is to get The Phoenix (Click the link to learn more).
It will help improve sexual performance in the bedroom making it easier for you to "get it up" and "keep it up" from the comforts of your home.
In a nutshell, don’t shy away from talking about things that actually impact the quality of your life and intimate relationships. This is because the only way you’ll be able to find a solution is when you actually take the step to talk about what the issue really is.