Hey friends, it's 2021 and we want to help you become a new man this year! 2020 was a disaster that had affected us physically and mentally. Whether you've been stuck at home quarantining, eating unhealthy, or having lousy sex, 2021 is a new chapter for you to make your life better than it was before.
Whether you've already made a New Year's resolution or are still thinking about one, 2021 is about being 1% better. BDE style challenges everyone to be 1% better each day by working on themselves physically and mentally. It's all about treating all areas of your life, including your sex life.
If you haven't gotten any in the past few months or are working on the intimacy in your current relationships we created some new year sex resolutions for you to consider.
1) Quit Smoking For a Better Sex Life
Smoking might seem sexy to some people, but the truth is smoking can cause health complications in both men and females. Specifically, it may cause sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction in men as early as age 20. This is because smoking can lead to vascular disease, which constricts the blood vessels all throughout the body. A lack of blood flow to the pelvic region/penis means no erection or poor quality erection.

If you're looking to have sex this year, smoking will prevent you from doing so. This year, your first resolution should be to quit smoking. I know it can be hard to go cold turkey, but the less you smoke, the more you have the chance to reduce the effects of tobacco on your sexual life.
BDE tip: If you smoke, speak to your doctor about how to quit. For ED prevention, if you quit smoking now, circulation and blood pressure will improve. Most men see gradual improvements in their erections within 2-12 weeks after quitting.
2) Elevate Your Testosterone Levels
Tired from the holidays? Could it be your testosterone levels? You bet there is a connection between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction.
A healthy testosterone level is required for a man to perform well and to feel good overall. After all, testosterone is the hormone that makes us the badass men that we are. If you're feeling tired, weak, lethargic, or are having weak erections and drive, make a resolution this year to maintain those levels. Go see a doctor or order a full blood panel online through Health Labs for male hormones. A full blood panel can include your thyroid, estrogen levels, and vitamins to see what you're deficient in.
You could even ask them to check if your blood sugar and cholesterol too! If both levels aren’t managed it may lead to heart disease, which is also linked to ED.
There are quite a lot of ways to ensure a healthy testosterone level and making a combination of those can work wonders.
3) Change your Diet this year
A balanced diet has a life-changing effect on your body. It also has a direct impact on testosterone levels.
Overeating and dieting for too long both have a negative effect on the body and your hormones. A balanced diet based on whole foods is the best for proteins. A good amount of fats combined with enough amount of carbs will boost testosterone levels and ensure an improved sex life.
If you are looking for suggestions on how to eat a healthy and balanced diet for erectile dysfunction, we've got some suggestions for you.
4) Quitting Porn And Fixing Porn-Induced ED
Porn might not be harmful to your body but it can change your perspective of reality. Watching too much porn can cause some people to have difficulty getting aroused in real-life situations.
Real-life sexual encounters lack the drama and might not be as exciting as what they show in porn. This can lead to temporary erectile dysfunction or "porn-induced ED".
If you feel your ED is due to excessive porn habits then try to quit watching porn, or limit the porn you watch and take a break from it. You can also try reconnecting with your senses by doing visualization masturbation.
If you've ever heard of NOFAP or quitting jerking off, try visualizing a woman or thinking of a sexual scenario that turns you on. Once you get the idea, snap out of it and come to your senses. This way, when you do want to engage in sexual activity with a partner, you can do so in a natural way. Think of it like a hard and challenging reset button.
A good New Year's resolution would be to quit pornography and try some of the tips in our post about porn addiction and ED. This way, you can try something that may help you overcome your ED and ease up your life a bit.
5) Change Sitting Habits That Cause ED
There is plenty of research that suggests sitting or poor sitting habits lead to erectile dysfunction. Sitting for a long period of time can affect the blood flow in your veins around your "sitting bone", and in some cases, can damage the nerves surrounding them. Again, damaged nerves and a lack of blood flow equal poor erections.
"Don’t believe me? Try testing out the sensitivity of your veins by pressing on one on the back of your hand with a finger. Only a minimal amount of pressure is needed to stop the blood from flowing. Just imagine all that sitting and your erection is that blocked vein that needs to be relieved!"
Men also tend to sit by bending the pelvic area to relieve the genitals. Although this habit helps relieve some of the pressure, we highly suggest taking walking breaks frequently if you're stuck at a desk job.
There is also a wide range of innovative ergonomic chairs and padding on the market that can help improve posture and sitting habits. Make posture and sitting habits a part of your New Year's resolution when going back to work!
6) Opening Up To Yourself And Your Partner About Your ED
ED can be frustrating and disturbing in a lot of ways as it is. Opening up to yourself and your partner can ease up your life and reduce frustration.

Try to be open to your partner about your sexual preferences and your ED. The more you and your partner accept the situation, the less stress you will feel during those situations, and can work around it.
Check out our blog on 7 ways you can improve your Sex Life in 2021 for tips on communication and opening up to your partner.
7) Get Some Good Quality Sleep!
Sleep plays an important role in about every aspect of your life. From good hormones to less stress to even weight loss. Make it your habit to have 7-8 hours of good-quality sleep every day. It will help you maintain your testosterone levels and drive for better sex.
Getting enough sleep is one thing but getting a night of high-quality uninterrupted sleep is another. Most people do sleep for 7-8 hours. But their sleep is interrupted by gadgets and noises which can disturb your sleep. Hence you are unable to get the rest that you should from your sleep.
Make a habit to turn off all the gadgets. Or at least turn them into silent mode so you could have a sound sleep and take a good rest of the night.
You can also check out 5 reasons why sleep is important for men's sexual health! Tired men don't perform well, you can become infertile, and anxious and your testosterone levels can plummet.
8) New Year, Better Sex With The Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device
What better way to start the year than by treating sexual decline and issues with "getting it up" than with acoustic wave therapy. The Phoenix is the world's first home-use acoustic wave therapy device and was the best thing that had ever hit the market for guys all over the world.
BDE Style recommends The Phoenix and wants every guy (and girl) to enjoy better bedroom performance and experience with this world-class treatment device the same way we did! Men can use the device in the privacy, comfort, and convenience of their own homes without having to drive far to a clinic that overcharges for the SAME type of treatment for sexual performance.

You can use our priority link to get YOUR Phoenix so that you can "get it up" easier and perform better in 2021.
USE our BDE Style CODE: RED50 to receive $85 dollars off your Phoenix.
***The Phoenix is currently $879 dollars and there is a payment plan option if you prefer. This price can change in the future due to sales, promotions, or price increases. ***UPDATED NOVEMBER 2021
Hear what other men have to say about The Phoenix and how it changed their sex lives.
Get your Phoenix today --->Priority link to get YOUR Phoenix